McConnell Air Force Base Joint Land Use Study
Wichita/Sedgwick County, KS
Located in Sedgwick County in south-central Kansas, McConnell AFB is part of the Greater Wichita metropolitan area, home to a number of aircraft manufacturing plants and other aircraft related industries. The City of Wichita, with a population of 334,000, abuts the Base along its northern and western perimeters. The remaining area adjoining the Base includes unincorporated portions of Sedgwick County and the small city of Derby. The portions of these three jurisdictions that adjoin the Base are experiencing increased development pressure that could threaten the long-term viability of McConnell to carry out its mission.
RKG Associates was retained by the Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department (MAPD) to conduct a Joint Land Use Study of existing and future conflicts related to land development and civilian airport operations in the vicinity of McConnell. Geospatial analysis (using ArcGIS software) examined land development trends, population and economic growth, future development potential, infrastructure planning and flight activities. RKG also evaluated area regulations for both land development and aircraft operations, reporting on their suitability for continued operation of the base. Ultimately, RKG provided an implementation strategy recommendation that would revise existing regulations and establish a more institutionalized approach to development proposal reviews near the Base, as a way of ensuring long-term compatibility with the base's responsibilities.