Niagara Falls Army Reserve Center Redevelopment
Niagara, NY
As one of the last federal properties to close under the 2005 BRAC round of base closures, the 20-acre Niagara Falls Army Reserve Center offered the opportunity for job creation in an economically troubled part of the country. Located adjacent to the Niagara Falls International Airport, the facility included ten buildings with a total of 156,000 square feet, including a large WWII vintage hangar. The RKG-led Reuse Plan called for putting the property back to productive civilian use aimed at a variety of aerospace, light industrial and R&D users.
As one of the authoritative experts on the adaptive reuse of closed military bases, RKG led a team of engineers, planners and environmental specialists in evaluating the facilities and structuring an equitable conveyance to the Town and its local redevelopment agency.