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Lewis McChord Regional Growth Coordination Plan

Tacoma, WA

RKG Associates was retained as part of a national planning team to analyze the impacts associated with the expansion of Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM), the largest military installation west of the Mississippi River.  JBLM was projected to grow by roughly 35,000 military personnel and their dependents within a span of six years.  In addition, the new Joint Base would see new construction activity in excess of $3.5 billion over the same period.


With a population of over 1 million people calling Greater Tacoma home, RKG was responsible for making long range growth projections for the 2010-2030 period and allocating that growth across local jurisdictions at the transportation analysis zone (TAZ) level. Determining the most appropriate locations for future housing was a critical component of managing future transportation congestion and public transit options. 


RKG conducted housing market research and demographic analysis to understand relevant growth trends in an expanding region.  Regional planners and developers were consulted on future growth areas and the State of Washington’s Growth Management Act.  Working with a regional steering committee and the local Growth Coordination Committee, RKG’s growth projections were used to drive service demand assumptions for education, behavioral health, public safety, capital facilities, and regional transportation investments.


Photo Source: Meleah Reardon Photography / Getty Images


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